Outside Inside | 2006 | pages 13 & 14
Outside Inside is a limited edition artist book (edition of 2) comprising intaglio etchings and letterpress text. The books were printed and bound by Perienne, using the concertina binding technique. The size of the book when closed is: 42 x 42 cm
'Outside inside is a series of images and accompanying poetic text, describing vignettes of observed scenes and characters, often from the perspective on an outsider looking in. It is draws on experiences of empathy for what is 'other,' for what is different.
Sometimes a person I might have glimpsed for a second would materialise into an image for the book.
I have attempted to give voice to thoughts about how the 'other' is treated in society. The loneliness that is often contained within the ageing process in a society that does not recognise the wisdom of imparting intergenerational knowledge and experience. Also, the separation between those considered 'normal' and those considered to be outside of this parameter.
At the time of making this book, I was caring for a family of children with autism, non of whom spoke. I became fascinated with the way they communicated and felt they had much to teach me about acceptance and unconditional love. This book is an attempt to communicate some of these ideas.'
'Outside inside is a series of images and accompanying poetic text, describing vignettes of observed scenes and characters, often from the perspective on an outsider looking in. It is draws on experiences of empathy for what is 'other,' for what is different.
Sometimes a person I might have glimpsed for a second would materialise into an image for the book.
I have attempted to give voice to thoughts about how the 'other' is treated in society. The loneliness that is often contained within the ageing process in a society that does not recognise the wisdom of imparting intergenerational knowledge and experience. Also, the separation between those considered 'normal' and those considered to be outside of this parameter.
At the time of making this book, I was caring for a family of children with autism, non of whom spoke. I became fascinated with the way they communicated and felt they had much to teach me about acceptance and unconditional love. This book is an attempt to communicate some of these ideas.'